1920s Hen Party

1920s Hen Party
Hen Parties the Hope & Glorious Way

Friday, 23 March 2012

Nightmare or just a beautiful Vintage Dream

Adding a vintage theme to any event can make a special occasion unique and more importantly memorable to your friends and family.
It sounds simple all you need is the crockery and some accessories and you may even think this will be the fun part, how hard can it be to collect and rummage around charity shops and of course you can always raid the family cupboards.   After a few trips to car boot sales, charity shops and bidding on eBay you will be surprised how hard it is to find good quality crockery at reasonable prices it seems that the whole world has got there before you and even more shocking how much for a cup and saucer!.    We know we have been there.  
But don't despair there is an easy solution, take the stress out of finding the perfect vintage look  by hiring the crockery and accessories, you can still have the fun choosing them along with your proposed theme, let your imagination run wild anything is possible and believe it or not it could save you money in the long run.

An intimate Dinner Party

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Our Big Adventure Starts

So here we are eventually, after many years of hiding our lights under many bushells we have decided to step out of the shadows and go forth and share our love of all things vintage.
So where did it all begin, well you start by taking a couple of really good friends, a big cupboard of gorgeous crockery and some very understanding partners and a local Suffolk primary school!
A primary school  I hear you ask, believe it or not this is where Hope and Glorious Vintage started, a 1950s Vintage Tea Dance and as they say the rest is history…